A Finnish and Japanese Friendship -photo exhibition results

Photo by Pekka Lehtonen: Kahden kulttuurin riemukas kohtaaminen

Accepted photos to the exhibition

Photos for A Finnish and Japanese Friendship Year 2022 photo exhibition has been selected and informed to related persons. Below you can find a list of accepted photos to the exhibition.

Ystävyys yhdistääMarkkuUusitaloFinland
Kahden kulttuurin riemukas kohtaaminenPekkaLehtonenFinland
Cherry Park RoihuvuoriIiroKaukiainenFinland
Terveisiä SuomestaAriHaimiFinland
Japanin kaunokirjoituksen oppitunti alakoulussaMotooAmemoriFinland
Making Food Together2RitaLeppiniemiFinland
Yhdessä – Issho 一緒Olli PhilippeLautenbacherFinland
Between friendsEevaTammikiviFinland

To the exhibition publication there will be wider selection of photos, so there is still chance to be featured. These will be informed on June.

TOP 3 winners will be published in exhibition opening event on 3rd of May and after that here in this web page.

Web Gallery of the exhibition will be public on 4th of May.

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